
Discover the top ten benefits of QR codes for companies
Discover the top ten benefits of QR codes for companies By Johann Göschelbauer in QR-Code March 13, 2023
QR code generator from a0z.ccLately, we are seeing a lot of QR codes at businesses and web-based stores. QR codes can be used in any business sector, but many people are not aware of the numerous benefits they offer. Therefore, today we would like to inform you about the top ten benefits of QR codes.
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QR code use in marketing
QR code use in marketing By Johann Göschelbauer in QR-Code February 06, 2023
QR codes - A simple and modern way to scan dataToday's world is full of technologies that help people in various ways to perform their daily tasks easier and faster. One of these technologies are the so-called QR codes or 2D codes. Unlike normal barcodes, QR codes provide customers with a much wider range of information in a simple and accessible way.
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Marketing advantages with the URL shortener
Marketing advantages with the URL shortener By Johann Göschelbauer in Marketing January 12, 2023
The marketing benefits of a URL shortenerIn today's digital world, the effective distribution of online content is crucial to a company's success. Whether it's a blog post, a product page or a video, good marketing is crucial to reach the desired target audience. In this context, the use of a URL shortening service plays an important role. A URL shortener can support your marketing strategy in many ways and give you a competitive advantage.
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